"What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for others" George Elliot.


Newsletter 2021 - Issue Two

Brief Lives - Remembered" Newsletter  2021 - The latest newsletter is now out and waiting to be read. The newsletter includes: news, stories, poems and memorial services. Read more....

Thank you

In 2016 the family of baby Stephen Dicastiglione contacted "Brief Lives - Rememberd", asking if we would search for the resting place of their much loved son.and brother who was Stillborn 28th March 1973. A short time later we were able to inform the family that we had located Stephens resting place..

As the result of a sponser walk the family have raised £105.00 and donated the procceds to "Brief Lives - Remembered".  Read more.....


You can help raise funds when shopping with Amazon by signing up to AmazonSmile. Choose Brief Lives - Remembered as you charity and every purchase starting at AmazonSmile will help our charity. Read more.....

Shirley Chatfield

It is with great sadness that we announce the news of the death of Shirley Chatfield. Shirley contacted  "Brief Lives - Remembered" in 2015 asking if we would trace the resting place of her daughter Charlotte who was born and died in January 1958. Read more....